Use "campylobacter|campylobacters" in a sentence

1. Campylobacters synonyms, Campylobacters pronunciation, Campylobacters translation, English dictionary definition of Campylobacters

2. Looking for Campylobacters? Find out information about Campylobacters

3. Campylobacter are Gram-negative, non-spore forming that exist as either curved or spiral shaped rods. Campylobacters that are of relevance to the water industry are ascribed to the class of Campylobacters known as the ‘thermophilic group’

4. Campylobacter infection or Campylobacteriosis is a bacterial intestinal infection caused by Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter upsaliensis

5. McGraw-Hill Explanation of Campylobacters

6. Campylobacter infection (also called Campylobacteriosis) is caused by the Campylobacter bacteria

7. The Campylobacters and arcobacters form their own coherent groups within their cluster, withSulfurospirillum just “outside” the Campylobacters

8. Campylobacters that are of relevance to the water industry are ascribed to the class of Campylobacters known as the ‘thermophilic group’

9. Chapter 4 Transmission of Campylobacter jejuni Transmission of and Infection with Campylobacter jejuni Bacteria

10. Campylobacters that are of relevance to the water industry are ascribed to the class of Campylobacters known as the ‘thermophilic group’

11. Campylobacter enteritis is an infection in the small intestine caused by Campylobacter jejuni, a type of bacteria

12. Campylobacter, (genus Campylobacter), group of spiral-shaped bacteria that can cause human diseases such as Campylobacter enteritis (Campylobacteriosis), which begins abruptly with fever, headache, diarrhea, and significant abdominal pain.

13. What is Campylobacter infection? Campylobacter infection or Campylobacterosis is a bacterial intestinal infection caused by Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter upsaliensis.It is a major cause of human bacterial enteritis although it is considered a normal bacterium in the intestinal tract of many animals and birds

14. The illness is caused by Campylobacter bacteria

15. Campylobacter is a cause of food poisoning

16. What are the symptoms of a Campylobacter infection? Campylobacter infection is usually self-limited, which means it usually ends without treatment

17. The current method used for detection of Campylobacters from foodstuff s …

18. Campylobacter is considered by many to be the leading cause of enteric illness in the United States (20,26).Campylobacter species can cause

19. Isolation of Campylobacter Species from Food and Water

20. Campylobacteriosis is an infection caused by bacteria called Campylobacter

21. Campylobacter infection is a mild to serious digestive illness

22. The mechanisms by which enteric Campylobacters cause human disease have not been clarified

23. Campylobacter is a common cause of diarrhea worldwide

24. You can be infected with Campylobacter if you:

25. Campylobacteriosis is an illness caused by a bacteria called Campylobacter

26. The aims of this study were (i) to determine the prevalence and numbers of Campylobacters in 63 samples of raw livers purchased at retail across the UK and (ii) to investigate whether the freezing of chicken livers contaminated with Campylobacter was a reliable method for decontamination

27. Campylobacters have been known as important human pathogens since the late 1970s

28. There are 17 known species of Campylobacter, and at

29. Campylobacter infections are among the most common bacterial infections in humans

30. Since free-ranging chickens are a major source of Campylobacter infections, we hypothesized that Corralling of these chickens would result in decreased rates of Campylobacter infections and …

31. Producers Campylobacter in Poultry Campylobacter is highly prevalent in poultry worldwide, including broilers, layers, turkeys, ducks, and geese, while causing little or no clinical disease

32. Campylobacteriosis is an infection by the Campylobacter bacterium, most commonly C

33. Campylobacter are germs (bacteria) that are a common cause of food poisoning

34. A 2011 report from the CDC estimates that Campylobacter causes

35. Campylobacters have flagella and adherence factors, which enable them to stick to the intestinal mucosa

36. Chicken livers naturally contaminated with Campylobacters were subjected to freezing at −15 and −25°C

37. Campylobacters are very sensitive to environmental conditions, including dehydration, atmospheric oxygen, sunlight, and increased temperature

38. Campylobacter definition is - any of a genus (Campylobacter) of spirally curved motile gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria of which some are pathogenic in domestic animals and humans.

39. However, foodborne outbreaks are rare as Campylobacter does not multiply in food.

40. A contaminated poultry carcass can carry anywhere between 100 and 100,000 Campylobacter cells

41. Campylobacter causes an estimated 1.5 million illnesses each year in the United States. People can get Campylobacter infection by eating raw or undercooked poultry or eating something that touched it

42. Campylobacters are described as motile, non-spore-forming, spiral or comma-shaped gram-negative rods

43. A trial of Biosecurity as a means to control campylobacter infection of broiler chickens

44. Campylobacter is the commonest bacterial cause of infectious intestinal disease in the industrialised world

45. Campylobacter species are readily transmitted between animals or from animals to humans

46. To determine the distribution and numbers of Campylobacter jejuni/coli in newly slaughtered broiler chickens and hens, a total of 100 birds from six Campylobacter-positive flocks were sampled at three Swedish processing plants.

47. By 1977 it was clear that the thermophilic Campylobacters were a major cause of acute bacterial enteritis

48. Cryptosporidium A mixed outbreak of Cryptosporidium and campylobacter infection asssociated with a private water supply

49. In industrialized regions, enteric Campylobacter infections produce an inflammatory, sometimes bloody, diarrhea or dysentery syndrome.

50. Campylobacter jejuni is the most commonly reported bacterial cause of foodborne infection in the United States

51. La infección por Campylobacter es una enfermedad transmitida por los alimentos común

52. The results suggested that eating chicken was probably the important transmission factor of the Campylobacter enteritis.

53. Most Campylobacter infections in humans are caused by the consumption of contaminated food or water

54. These two species are classed as thermophilic Campylobacters as they have an optimum temperature for growth of 42 °C

55. Campylobacter jejuni (see image below) is usually the most common cause of community-acquired …

56. Campylobacter is a commensal organism that establishes persistent and benign infections with colonization levels up to 1010

57. Campylobacter (kam-pih-loh-BAK-tur) bacteria live in the intestines of many wild and domestic animals

58. Campylobacter infection is diagnosed when a laboratory test detects Campylobacter bacteria in stool (poop), body tissue, or fluids. The test could be a culture that isolates the bacteria or a rapid diagnostic test that detects genetic material of the bacteria.

59. Campylobacters, Helicobacters, and Related Organisms: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop Held in Winchester, England, July 10-13 1995 1996 ed

60. Salmonella Campylobacter coli A or C. jejuni Yersinia A enterocolitica E. coli O157 ACC E. coli B

61. Given that it only takes 500 Campylobacter cells to cause infection, consumers can face significant risk.

62. The most common symptoms of Campylobacter infection include diarrhoea, abdominal pain, fever, headache, nausea and vomiting.

63. Campylobacter is a genus of bacteria that are a major cause of gastroenteritis throughout the world

64. Modelling-based identification of factors influencing Campylobacters in chicken broiler houses and on carcasses sampled after processing and chilling

65. Ciprofloxacin belongs to the group of quinolones and acts Bactericidally against mainly Gramnegative bacteria like Campylobacter, E

66. If Campylobacter is present in the intestinal tract, broiler carcasses become extensively contaminated during the slaughter process

67. Population) are infected by Campylobacter each year, with an estimated 200,000 people infected each year in

68. Campylobacter is one of the most common types of bacteria causing diarrhea in the United States

69. The mean numbers of Arcobacter cryaerophilus and thermophilic Campylobacters detected in incoming sewage were 5639/100 ml and 1720/100 ml respectively.

70. Unlike some other microorganisms that cause food poisoning, Campylobacter doesn’t often cause outbreaks of gastroenteritis that affect many people

71. Campylobacters are frequent colonisers of the intestine of livestock such as cattle, sheep and pigs; data have been reviewed by Newell et al., in press

72. Campylobacter is a bacteria that causes intestinal infections that can lead to serious complications, including the paralyzing disease Guillain-Barre syndrome

73. Many microaerophiles are also capnophiles, requiring an elevated concentration of carbon dioxide (e.g. 10% CO2 in the case of Campylobacter species).

74. Bacteriophage therapy is one possible means by which this colonization could be controlled, thus limiting the entry of Campylobacters into the human food chain

75. Campylobacter infection is a type of gastroenteritis (‘food poisoning’) that is mainly spread to humans by eating undercooked contaminated meat

76. Campylobacters are small curved rod bacteria which are present sometimes in large numbers in the small intestines and large intestines of most mammals including pigs

77. Thermophilic Campylobacters are widespread in the environment, where they are a sign of recent contamination with animal and avian faeces, agricultural run-off and sewage effluent.

78. Campylobacter is part of the natural gut microflora of many of the animals that humans eat – chickens, turkeys, swine, cattle and sheep

79. Enteritis as the characteristic clinical manifestation of Campylobacter infections is rarely complicated by bacteraemia, endocarditis, meningitis, pankreatitis, and septic abortion.

80. Thermophilic Campylobacters are widespread in the environment, where they are a sign of recent contamination with animal and avian faeces, agricultural run‐off and sewage effluent.